
The European project (also called #5SOSEUProject on Twitter or the Beside You project or the whatever-you-want project) is a massive fanaction who will take place on the European leg of the Rock Out With Your Socks Out Tour. For this to happen correctly, we need you to help us to spread the word in all your countries, to make this project as great as possible. 
The final goal of all of this is to show to the band that Europe is a beautiful continent, not "the rest of the world" as they say in their website. We're a bit tired of being the last fans to matter, to be honest, while the UK got several tours, while the US got several tours, while Australia got several tours... We also want to see them, in our countries! 

Call it egoist or bratty, but it seems important right now, to show that we exist too and we're not just some rest the world couldn't fit anywhere else. 

This fanaction is a first in history, it'll be the first time a fanaction happens during several shows, on a tour. We all know what we can do with some papers: Italy, France, Portugal, they showed it several times already! So why not do something, with all of us? 

The fanaction is not really hard to do: all you have to do is raise a sign, according to the word your date got. Each word is a part of a sentence, each word has to be added to the previous ones, to get the whole sentence. 5SOS will get a message delivered word by word and you'll be the voices shouting (showing) them what it is! 

If you don't know yet the word you got and the sign you have to print, look on the left sidebar, you'll find a list of all the dates. You just have to click on yours to get all the infos, in your language!

We really do hope this will work, but we need your help! If you have friends coming to the show, tell them about it and tell them to spread the word. If you can, print some extra signs to give around you, at the show. Not many, 5-10 is already great! If everybody print at least 2 extra signs, then, it'll be perfect! ;)

We hope you like the project as much as we do. If you're worried about the project, you can check the "About" page, where we will post a kind of FAQ, to answer the main questions you can have. 

Lots of Love,
The European Clique xx

1 comment:

  1. Michelle Castillo28 November 2015 at 21:59

    Hey, I´m from El Salvador and, speaking for all fans from here, we would like for 5SOS come to our country... it would make our dreams come true. I BEG you to please make us this favor.
